Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy Holidays!

The holidays have been busy around here!  We threw an amazing holiday party followed by eight nights of house guests.  It was wonderful to be able to spend time with friends and family.  Now our holiday decor has been taken down and stored away until next year.  I can definitely say it was a wonderful first Christmas on the prairie as a married couple and in our very own home.

Happy holidays from our little house on the prairie!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Art!

As the holiday approaches we are getting our house ready for the guests we will be hosting.  We were blessed enough to have a gift of art from the family I work for.  We love it and it fits our living room perfectly.

We love abstract tree art!

Artsy angle!

Also, Josh's mom saw this post and came to paint our dining area and hall today. It looks fabulous (thank you, Laura!).  It really is amazing what a coat of paint will do to a room, and a whole house for that matter.  When we hang more pictures, there will be photos of it.  It's another earthy tone.  The last room we have to do is the guest room.  For now guests will have to deal with the stark hospital grey/blue sterile color.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Our New Arrival: Meet Theodore!

Thursday our lives changed forever.  Theodore came to live with us!  He is playful and clumsy.  He is needy and pees a lot.  He is scared of the cat but chases her anyway.  He naps a lot, but cries all night.  And of course, we love him!

Josh is his favorite.

"I'm gonna pounce ya!"

A boy and his dog.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas in Kansas!

As many of you may know, Christmas in the house in which I grew up was a pretty big deal.  Every Friday after Thanksgiving we'd go to Duddles Christmas Tree Farm and choose a tree.  Once home we'd break out the Mariah Carey Christmas album and rock it out on repeat until the tree was decked out.

Josh grew up similarly.  Have you ever seen How I Met Your Mother?  You know how much Marshall loves Christmas?  Josh too loves Christmas that much.  Maybe more.

Needless to say Friday after Thanksgiving we slept in (we don't like deals enough to sacrifice sleep and risk our sanity and bodies) and then ventured out to hunt down our tree!

Long story short, we ended up with a tree from Lowes.  Be sure my dad knows that we still went with a quality fraser fir tree.  That would make him proud.

As anyone who gets a real tree knows, we couldn't decorate until Saturday, but boy did we decorate!  We have our tree, garland some (fake, don't get me started) mistletoe and a hippie Santa with a psychedelic tree.

Oh Christmas tree!
Why yes, our tree does have a mustache.
Merry Grristmas!
Hippie Santa's personal tree.
Not quite Griswold status, but we're working on it.