Wow! I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks again! Time flies when you're busy! Photography has really taken off for me, which I really was not anticipating but I'm very excited about. Josh has been working another job on his off days as well as working in our yard preparing for the hard winter (as if KS has hard winters). In that busy time Josh and I have still been able to add some homey touches to our house and it's really starting to feel cozy. Sure, we don't have pictures on the walls yet, but with plaster walls, neither of us look forward to that. We have a lot of pictures to hang...uhg. Also we have a whole other room to paint but it requires LOTS of trimming out and we both loath that. We're hoping we can get a certain someone to come do it for us and as payment we'll provide a lovely BBQ dinner (Laura, if you're reading this, we mean you).
I digress...
Here are some lovely photos of our house becoming a home!

Is anyone out there aware of the ridiculous price for throw pillows? It's ridiculous. Josh had to convince me to spend money on these and now I'm so glad he did!
These pillows add much needed color to our dark green sofas in our dark brown room.
Beware of Guard Kitty! |
Mabel makes a fierce guard kitty. Beware friends and neighbors!
We found this squirrelly guy and his duck friend at a neat shop in Michigan when we were there in July. They are a nice addition to our built in shelves.
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