Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving!

As it turns out my hint from the last post was not correct. Due to Josh's work rotation we weren't able to make it to the corn maze.  We did get some great pumpkins though!  We grabbed out favorite fall beer and took to the garage to begin our carving process.

Ah, 1554 how I've missed you!

We hadn't carved pumpkins in a few years, so after some internet searching and sketching out ideas we made the cuts.  Turns out we have a tendency to carve faces that resemble our own.

And they look even better illuminated!

These two little guys sure add some character to our front steps!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Photo Walk!

As it turns out today was beautiful fall day.  Luckily enough I was home early enough to enjoy it.  It was brisk but the wind was low (for now...) so I grabbed my jacket and camera and headed out.   There is a nice park with a small lake three blocks or so from our house.  Sadly there were no ducks on the lake but there were several trees putting on their fall show.

There were several of these trees just covered in these cherry looking fruits.  I took my time and even messed around with my manual focus!

I love the contrast of the dark red leaf and the blue fall sky!

The sun was shining right through these leaves giving them this transparency that was so pretty.

Of course being in Kansas, the wind kicked up and I had to hold the leaf to get a decent shot of it.  I just love how you can see all the tiny details of the leaf.

Having recently been inspired by my designer friend Heather from Heather Hazard Design, I noticed lots of great textures so I captured those as well!

These bricks are the foundation to our house as well as our awesome chimney which I'm sure to discus later.

This fun pyramids are the lid to a man hole cover.

There are these long triangular shaped bike racks in front of the school down the road and I've been itching to photograph them for a while.

Concrete. Awesome.

Also it turns out I really have a thing for bark. It's so textual and deep with shadows and ridges. I guess I can't really explain it.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

I hope to get out and enjoy fall at least one more time this year before the bitter winds of winter on the prairie blow in. If I'm lucky enough to do so I'll post pictures of that too.  Here's a hint: Corn Maze!

Friday, October 19, 2012


We did it!  We are officially hitched and I now live in the house on the prairie full time! Sadly, I don't have many of my own photos to share of the big event but here's a photo from a good freind and "ma" of mine.  She is a creative soul and loves to share her talents with others.  As a gift to Josh and I she created a card box that featured our little house!  It is also FULL of fun touches that really make it special to us as a couple.  There are the wicked witches legs under the house and a yellow brick road. There is a stream with my favorite little critter building his lodge, and the grass, it's a nod to my maiden name! Needless to say this was quite the conversation piece.

Tomorrow we have a nice little Saturday planned; a trip to Wichita, Target, maybe Bed Bath & Beyond, I don't know, we might not have time.  What ever we end up having time for should result in another post so keep your eyes peeled!